
The Azalea Roofing Difference

As a Fortified Roof Evaluator, I participated in hundreds of Fortified Roof projects for many different roofing companies. Most were good, but some were not. I have taken my roofing knowledge and experience and realized something was missing from many of the other companies, a commitment to quality. At Azalea Roofing, we hand nail all of our shingle installations. We also use the highest quality Certainteed Products, such as the Landmark PRO, Grand Manor and Presidential shingles. We combined those with their top-of-the-line underlayment, DiamondDeck synthetic Underlayment to create a stronger roof system compared to other architectural type shingles. Contact us today for more information and a free quote.

I am also a Certified IBHS Fortified Roof Evaluator. I was certified as part of the pilot program provided by the North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association, when the program was implemented in North Carolina in 2018.

I am also a certified Fortified Wise Roofing Contractor. Combining this with years of experience with roofing repairs and installation will provide our customers with a unique perspective on the SYR and SYCR roof replacement and roof claim processes.

When not climbing roofs, Jeff, a Wilmington resident for over 30 years, enjoys spending time with his family at home and on the water, beach volleyball and golf.