The Fortified Roof program utilizes several methods of sealing the roof deck, along with other additional items, and having the installation independently verified to ensure the roof was installed and documented properly. Azalea Roofing is certified as a Fortified Roofer through the Institute of Business and Home Safety (
These methods are intended to decrease the likelihood of extensive water damage to the interior of your home in the event the roof covering is damaged.
If you are an NCJUA (North Carolina Joint Underwriters) policy holder and have experienced damage to your roof, you may be eligible for upgrades under the terms of your policy. NCJUA also offers an additional method for obtaining a Fortified Roof to their policy holders through the Strengthen Your Roof and Strengthen Your Coastal Roof programs.
Whether your method of obtaining a Fortified Roof is insurance claim related, or Strengthen Your Roof Grant Program Related, Azalea Roofing is uniquely qualified to guide you through either process. For more information on the Strengthen Your Roof Program, About NCIUA | Strengthen Your Roof.
Other insurance companies may offer wind mitigation credits once you have upgraded your roof with a Fortified Roof system. Check with your insurance agent to see how adding a Fortified Roof could possibly decrease your insurance premium. Contact us today for more information and a free quote.
The Fortified Roof system is installed and verified by an independent evaluator to ensure the upgrades were installed and that the manufactures guidelines for installation were followed. With experience as both a Certified Fortified Evaluator and as a Certified Fortified Roofer, Azalea Roofing offers a unique and comprehensive perspective on the entire process to ensure the Fortified Roof is installed and documented properly.
Contact us today to schedule a free roof inspection and Fortified Roof consultation and learn how adding a Fortified Roof system can and decrease the effects of the storm damage to your home and increase your peace of mind, while also saving you money.